We intensified protection of farmland and farmers 'rights and interests, and made a lot of preparations to improve the system of compensating for expropriation of rural collective land. 加强耕地保护,维护农民权益,为完善农村集体土地征收补偿制度做了大量准备工作。
Research on Legal Aspects of "the Informal Property Rights" on Rural Collective Land 集体土地之上的小产权房法律问题研究
The circulation of right to use collective land belongs to operation right. 集体土地使用权流转属于经营权的范畴。
Nowadays, rural collective land requisition and residents migration become common social problems. 农村集体土地的征用和拆迁难问题,是现实社会的一个普遍问题。
Investigation and Discussion on the Mechanism of Rural Collective Land Conversion in Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City 扬州市邗江区农村集体土地流转调查与探讨
The Support System of Reasonable Transfer of Rural Collective Land for Construction: the Equity Allocation or the External Environment 农村集体建设用地合理流转的支撑体系:权益分配抑或外部环境
Practice and Exploration of Collection Collective Land House Relocation Compensation Placement Work& Take Taixing as the Example 征收集体土地房屋拆迁补偿安置工作的实践与探索&以泰兴市为例
Research on Our Suburban Collective Land Illegal Transition 我国城市郊区集体土地非法流转产生的原因及对策研究
How the governments at all levels correctly guide the rural collective land conversion and optimize the land resource distribution, becomes an urgently important subject in rural work at present. 如何正确引导农村集体土地流转、优化土地资源配置,已成为现阶段农村工作中亟待解决的一项重要课题。
Study of Rural Housing Construction Based on Collective Land Circulation and Land Expropriation: A Case of Beijing 基于集体建设用地流转与土地征收视点探讨完善农村住房体系建设&以北京市为例
Explore and Anslyze on the Usufruct Circulation of Rural Collective Land Use in Quanzhou 泉州市农村集体土地使用权的流转探析
Though trading the rural houses built on the collective land offend compulsory law, it has become a common practice in China. “小产权”房交易违反了国家的强制性法规,却成为社会上通行的做法。
Many researchers have been concerned about the question of gift economy and guanxi practice, but do not have given much more attention on the existential basis of the gift economy growing in modern China which is the collective land ownership. 摘要对于中国的许多田野研究都关注到了礼物经济及至关系动作的问题,但尚未注意到礼物经济能够在中国兴盛基础,那就是土地的集体所有制。
From Public Power to Private Right: Reflection on the Legal Nature of Collective Land Ownership 从公权回归私权&关于集体土地所有权法律性质的反思
Analyzed the form of rural collective land conversion in Rongchang of chongqing, based on the theory that the grade of rural collective land depend on the location and income, and then divide rural collective land into four grades. 摘要分析研究了重庆市荣昌县的农村集体土地流转的基本形式,根据农用地等级的高低由土地的区位条件和收益决定的基本原理,把荣昌县农村集体土地划分为4个等级。
Under the preconditions of the collective land ownership, the collectivity as a core of gift mind has been displayed and strengthened. 在土地集体所有制前提下,集体性这种礼物精神的核心得到了彰显和强化。
Constructing the Framework for Theoretically Analyzing the Owner of Collective Land in China 构建我国农村集体土地物权主体理论分析框架的思考
Formation and Development of Rural Collective Land Ownership in China 论我国农村集体土地所有权的形成和发展
The result can provide a basis of how to determine the form and price of rural collective land conversion reasonably. 该结果可为合理的确定土地流转方式和价格提供理论依据。
Collective Land in City and Social Security of Population on this Land 城市集体土地与农民保障问题的探讨
It regulates first will body of exercising this right and perfects the system of collective land ownership. 第一次规定了该权利行使的意思机关,完善了集体土地所有权制度。
There exists a conflict between the expropriation on rural collective land and the protection of peasants'property rights and interests. 国家对农村集体所有土地的征收与农民财产权保护之间存在着冲突。
The rural house-base replacement is an important reform of the collective land system in the coutry-side. 农村宅基地置换是农村集体土地制度的重大改革。
Research of Conflict Management over Collective Land in the Requisition Process 农地非农化过程中的土地冲突管理研究
Studies on Government Roles in the Expropriation of the Rural Collective Land 农村集体土地征收中的政府角色研究
Owing to China's construction, it is unavoidable to recruit the collective land in the rural area. 由于国家建设的需要,不可避免地要征收农村集体土地。
It is concluded that the amelioration of the exertion procedure of rural collective land ownership is the requirement of establishing current rural land system. 研究结论:完善农村集体土地所有权行使程序是现行农村土地制度建设的需要。
Path Selection in Rural Collective Land Circulation for Construction 农村集体建设用地流转治理的路径选择
Legal Protection Mechanism in Rural Collective Land Circulation 农村集体土地流转中的法律保障机制研究
Question about the Legitimacy of Forbidding the Usufruct of Collective Land for Construction Entering the Real Estate Market 禁止集体建设用地使用权进入房地产市场的正当性质疑